Naturopathy is a whole medicine system that has its original roots in Germany. It has developed further throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States where it is now part of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The word naturpathy comes for the greek and latin words that translate as "nature disease".
Naturopathy was named and popularized in the United States by Benedict Lust, who was born in Germany in the late 1800s. When Lust became seriously ill with what he believed was tuberculosis, he was treated by a priest and healer in Germany named Sebastian Kneipp. Kneipp's treatment was based on various healing approaches and philosophies that were popular in Europe, including:
Naturopathy was named and popularized in the United States by Benedict Lust, who was born in Germany in the late 1800s. When Lust became seriously ill with what he believed was tuberculosis, he was treated by a priest and healer in Germany named Sebastian Kneipp. Kneipp's treatment was based on various healing approaches and philosophies that were popular in Europe, including:
-"Nature cure" which consisted of herbal remedies, moderate exercises, exposure to more sun and air, and dietary changes.
Lust recovered from his disease and immmigrated to the united States at the turn of the 20th century. He was so convinced by the medicine he set his life goal to spreading it. He moved it through popularity in the United States and founded his first natuopathy college and professional association.
Vitalia Natural Medicine build on these principles and history to offer premium care in the field of naturopathy. With years of experience and plenty of satisfied clients, Vitalia Natural Medicine is your source for finding holistic care alternatives.
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