Monday, December 20, 2010

Naturopathic Doctors Work Wonders!

Modern hectic lifestyle can invite many diseases and ailments. We seek consultation from our doctors but the prescription does not seem to be working at times. Because of this, the immune system of our body also suffers from serious imbalance. Here is a solution to the problem - Naturopathy treatment. It is a boon for patients who have given hope by continued use of Allopathic treatments and medicines. It is an Alternative Medicine that emphasizes on the innate ability of body to maintain itself.

Naturopathy treatment includes the use of natural herbs, plants, and foods and thereby they are free from any side or adverse effect on our body. The holistic care focuses on curing from sunlight, air, water, supplemented with diet and therapies like massages and conventional medicine which helps recuperating the patients. The healing art of Naturopathy believes that body is self healing. It maintains that body will easily heal up and restore itself in a favorable and healthy environment.

As per the Naturopathic approach, our body is connected with a supernatural soul and mind. Therefore the integration and harmony of these three is very necessary to attain a healthy disposition. You will find its root in mysticism and metaphysical doctrine of Vitalize. Naturopathy not only supports the self healing system of our body, but also emphasizes on empowering individuals to change their lifestyles for a healthy living. It can cure both common and chronic ailments but mainly emphasizes on prevention of diseases and making the patient aware.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Homoepathy is a Proven Source for Natural Health

Homeopathy, a proven system of medicine for over 200 years, is practiced widely all over the earth. It works by stimulating the body's natural defenses instead of than suppressing symptoms. Natural remedies are used which are non-toxic and do not cause side effects. This medicine is empowering as it allows the body to self-correct.

is built upon a whole structure of laws, philosophy, theories and practice began by Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann (1796). His philosophy states that the body is gifted with a dynamic, self-regulating capability, which he named the vital force. Continually striving for a state of optimal health or homeostasis is the main goal of this vital force. When the human body is compromised due to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual stress, the vital force tries to regain homeostasis.

Uninspired by the medical practices of his day (bloodletting, leeches, mercury), Hahnemann began striving for alternatives and became an advocate of natural healing techniques. Based on the principles of Hippocrates and Paracelsus, he developed the idea that cure could be achieved through the action of similars.

To test this hypothesis, he began to experiment on himself with the medicine cinchona, which was being used for treatment of malaria. To his surprise, this "cure" taken by a healthy person induced the exact same symptoms manifested by the person suffering from malaria. Hahnemann then created one of the cornerstones of Homeopathy, similima similibus curentur, Latin for "let likes cure likes". Simply stated: A substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can cure a unwell person with those same symptoms.