Friday, October 23, 2009

What is Hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is an ancient method of treatment using water in any of its forms (hot or cold, ice or steam) to treat a wide range of disease conditions. Naturopathic doctors are trained in a broad variety of hydrotherapy techniques including sauna, immersion bath, hot/cold packs, colonic irrigation, sitz bath, shower, etc.

Some advantages to hydrotherapy are:

  • Always available

  • Easy to learn and perform

  • Painless

  • Inexpensive

  • Performed at home

The goal of hydrotherapy is to improve the circulation of the blood to help improve bodily functions. Good circulation is important because blood provides nutrients and oxygen to the entire body, and if that circulation is compromised, certain areas of your body will not be receiving the nutrients it needs which can lead to a myriad of conditions. Good bloodflow also helps remove waste fro organs and tissues, and if waste builds up it can also lead to a variety of symptoms.

  • Reduce pain and swelling

  • Reduce fever

  • Eliminate toxins

  • Improve immune function

Baths are one common form of hydrotherapy. A hot bath or shower can reduce stress, encourage relaxation, and help clean out toxins. Adding minerals or herbs to the bath can ehance the healing benefits. A cold rinse after the hot bath can improve the blood flow and boost energy!

Vitalia Natural Medicine specializes in hydrotherapy, and will use it as part of a plan to help you begin feeling healthy again, naturally. Visit Vitalia Natural Medicine and start feeling better today!

Botanical (Herbal) Medicines

Herbal remedies have been used by all cultures since the beginning of time. Many modern pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants, but the plants are altered, refined, and synthetically produced. Naturopathic doctors believe the unaltered, natural form of the plant provides the most desirable medicinal response with fewer to no side effects.

Herbs can be taken in many forms:

  • Herbal Tea

  • Compress

  • Poultice

  • Tincture

  • Syrup

  • Gargle

  • Douche

  • Salve

Herbal Tea: Leaves, flowers, or roots of a plant can be made into tea. Flowers and leaves are infused; roots are decocted. An infusion is a liquid preparation made by steeping an herb in either hot (not boiling) or cold water. A decoction is a liquid preparation made by boiling an herb root.

Compress: Compresses are used for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: external application of herbs to treat wounds, infections, and muscular/joint/skin conditions.

Poultice: Like the Compress, poultice is also used by applying herbs to treat wounds, infections, and muscular/joint/skin conditions.

Tinctures: Tinctures are a liquid extract of an herb. These are made by placing the herb in a solvent, such as alcohol, and left to sit for several days at least, and the alcohol will draw out the medicinal properties of the herb. Tinctures are more potent than teas, so inessence their medicinal properties are stronger. Tinctures are used to: normalize body functions, improve the immune system, and treat illnesses.

These are just a few holistic remedies used when dealing with naturopathic doctors and medicines. To find out what is right for you, visit Vitalia Natural Medicine, and they will be happy to assist you in becoming healthier through natural means!

Why Use Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct, unique and comprehensive approach to disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention utilizing nature-based therapies.

The primary focus is to provide the least invasive, most efficacious, non-toxic therapies that address the cause of illness, not simply the suppression of symptoms.

The natural healing tradition is ancient, stemming from before the time of Hippocrates. Naturopathic medicine draws upon this historic, therapeutic knowledge and combines it with modern, science-based medical research. Naturopathic doctors maintain an open-minded perspective allowing for the use of any therapy, old or new, as long as it adheres to the core philosophy and principles of Naturopathic medicine.

The following are some of the holisitic remedies that Naturpathic doctors utilize:

Clinical Nutrition: Nowadays it is common knowledge that diet and nutrition affect health. Naturopathic doctors not only teach the components of a healthy diet but also recommend dietary changes and nutritional supplementation that are specific to a particular condition.

Botanical (Herbal) Medicine: Herbal remedies have been used by all cultures since the beginning of time. Many modern pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants, but the plants are altered, refined, and synthetically produced. Naturopathic doctors believe the unaltered, natural form of the plant provides the most desirable medicinal response with fewer to no side effects.

Homeopathy: Homeopathy is a form of medicine that utilizes dilute, potentized remedies made from plant, animal and mineral substances. It is based on two fundamental principles:
The greater the dilution of a remedy the more powerful are its medicinal effects.
Like cures like, which means a dilute, potentized substance will produce the same symptoms as the disease when given to a healthy person.

Diet & Lifestyle Counseling: Naturopathic doctors help you identify, set and achieve goals to create a healthy lifestyle and diet as well as avoid environmental risk factors. They are trained to foster the therapeutic relationship through active, empathic listening, identifying major and minor psychological issues and employing treatment.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is an ancient method of treatment using water in any of its forms (hot or cold, ice or steam) to treat a wide range of disease conditions. Naturopathic doctors are trained in a broad variety of hydrotherapy techniques including sauna, immersion bath, hot/cold packs, colonic irrigation, sitz bath, shower, etc.

If you are curious about using Naturopathic medicine to help heal and revitalize yourself, go ahead and visit Vitalia Natural Medicine! You will receive a comprehensive approach on bettering yourself through holistic medicine! What are you waiting for?

Meet the Vitalia Doctor

Natasha Wolf received her Honors Bachelor degree in Life Sciences from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. She then attended Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, an accredited four-year Naturopathic Medical School, where she was awarded a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. She is a licensed Naturopathic doctor in California and a member of both the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the California Naturopathic Doctor's Association.

Dr. Wolf believes strongly in the connection between mind, body and spirit and that there is an inherent ability of the body to heal itself. She brings a unique, personal approach to her medicine combining an extensive background in homeopathy with knowledge of herbal medicines, nutrient therapy, physical medicine, nutrition and lifestyle counseling to customize a natural, non-toxic treatment plan for each individual.

Dr. Wolf practices general family medicine with an emphasis on women's health. Trained as a primary care doctor, she can effectively treat all women's health, men's health, children's medicine and acute conditions. Some conditions she has worked with include:

High blood pressure
Immune system disorders
Digestive disorders
Autoimmune disorders
Thyroid and other endocrine related problems
Cancer support

Dr. Wolf works with people individually to identify health goals, assist patients in attaining those goals while increasing wellness, vitality and peace in their lives.

Here are what some of her clients are saying abour Dr. Wolf:

"The service you have provided has made it possible for me to be off a strong drug that was sapping all my energy. It is great to feel well again." L.N., Vista

"My pediatrician told me it was normal that my infant was always extremely sick and that there was no way he had allergies at his age. Vitalia doctors worked with nutrition, supplements and homeopathics to make my son a healthy boy." K.S., Carlsbad

If traditional medicine and cures are not working for you, or you believe that natural cures are something you would like to try, visit Vitalia Natural Medicine to see if it's right for you. Simply give them a call at (760) 720-NATURE (6288) or send them an email at to set up an appointment!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homeopathic Flu Prevention: A safe and effective alternative to the flu vaccine

The classic flu, caused by the influenza virus, is characterized by abrupt onset of fever, headache, muscle aches, chills, loss of appetite, with fatigue and weakness after a 1- to 2-day incubation period. Respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, and nasal discharge are usually present at the onset of illness, but systemic symptoms predominate. Most people feel better after 1 or 2 weeks. However, for some people, the flu leads to more serious health problems, such as pneumonia.

In January 2004, the Center for Disease Control reported the flu vaccine was at most 14% effective in preventing the flu. Just recently, former president Bush revealed to the nation that in the event of an avian flu pandemic no successful vaccine would be developed until several months after the pandemic had begun. In addition to being rather ineffective, the flu vaccine contains additives and preservatives that are potentially harmful. The most dangerous of these include Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent, Aluminum, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and seizures, and Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease.

Doctors all over the world have used homeopathic flu prevention since the early 1900s. Homeopathic medicine states that “like cures like”. By giving your body a homeopathic dilution of the influenza virus, your immune system is primed and strengthened against the virus. In addition, the adrenal glands, which react to any stressful event in your body, are supported by other homeopathic medicines in the flu protocol. Together, these medicines prepare your body for exposure to all strains of bacteria and viruses that are prevalent throughout the fall and winter months.

At Vitalia Natural Medicine, we recommend a flu prevention protocol that is used by Naturopathic and Homeopathic doctors throughout US, Canada and Europe. The homeopathic preparation contains various strains of the worst flu epidemics of the 20th century, specifically formulated to boost immune function and stimulate the body’s own defenses. It is combined with a second homeopathic, which helps our body deal with everyday stress that can lower the immune system. This protocol is safe and effective for children, adults and the elderly population, and is specifically indicated for immune compromised individuals. It is most effective when taken preventatively, and is available through licensed practitioners. Please contact your Naturopathic or Homeopathic Doctor for more information.