Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using acupuncture for decades for treating insomnia and other related diseases. This is done by using fine needles that are inserted into the skin at specific points that can influence blood flow and improve the functioning of the internal organs. There are scientific researches that back up the effectiveness of acupuncture in improving sleep quality among people with insomnia.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies for insomnia have been found to be just as effective as some of the anxiety drugs that are in the market. The root of the valerian plant is known to stimulate sleep, and has been found to have no side effects such as dizziness, which some sleeping pills cause. Other herbal remedies for insomnia include ginseng, passionflower, hops and green tea. These herbs are known to relax the body and the mind, which can improve sleep.
Meditation and Relaxation
Sleep usually does not come easy when you are feeling stressed out. By learning techniques of deep breathing and meditation, you can achieve a more relaxed body and mind, which can help you sleep better. Researches have shown that meditation and relaxation can lower your blood pressure and can also regulate your heart beat, which are all essential in achieving quality sleep.
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