Sunday, January 3, 2010

Natural Cough Relief

In many cases, coughing occurs as a symptom of a short-term illness, such as the common cold, bronchitis, or the flu.

Chronic coughs, on the other hand, may be caused by one of the following conditions:

•chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
•gastroesophageal reflux disease
Chronic cough may also result from smoking or from use of some medications.

If your cough lasts longer than two to three weeks, consult your physician to check for an underlying health problem.

Natural Cough Remedies:

Although they won't cure the condition causing your cough, the following may provide natural cough relief:

1) Honey

In a 2009 study, researchers found that honey may decrease the frequency and severity of cough more effectively than the over-the-counter cough-suppressing drug dextromethorphan. Try adding honey to tea, or taking a spoonful on its own.

2) Marshmallow

Compounds extracted from marshmallow (an herb said to soothe irritated tissue) may provide significant cough-suppressing benefits, according to an animal study published in 2007. Marshmallow can be taken in tea form.

3) Mullein

Available in lozenge, powder, and supplement form, mullein is a common weed that contains compounds said to act as demulcents (substances that relieve irritation or inflammation in the throat) and expectorants (agents for loosening mucus and making it easier to cough up). Although mullein hasn't been specifically studied for its effects on cough, it has long been used to treat coughs in herbal medicine.

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for natural ways to relieve a cough! Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for your naturopathy needs!

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