Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does Naturopathy have a Place in Integrated Medicine

In the Integrated Medicine column this month Dr Wolf looks at Naturopathy and what role it might have in the integration of complementary and conventional medicine.

Naturopathy is a system of medicine that aims to maintain health by supporting and stimulating the vis medicatrix naturae (the healing power of nature). Rather than being a specific therapy, naturopathy is an holistic approach that stresses the importance of plain nutritious food, fresh air, sunlight and exercise.

Naturopathy is a holistic philosophy, and naturopaths use a variety of treatments including: dietary advice, nutritional supplements, detoxification methods, bodywork (such as massage or osteopathy), hydrotherapy, herbs, homoeopathic remedies, acupuncture, counselling and lifestyle advice. Naturopaths will always tailor the treatments to meet the individual needs of the patient.

In the early part of the century naturopaths were often considered to be quacks; however, many of their ideas particularly, those on diet and exercise, have come to be accepted by conventional medicine.

In the integrated practice of medicine the naturopath has a role in providing alternative treatment, especially for chronic illness, but he or she also has a role as a catalyst in strengthening a holistic and team-based approach to treatment.

Naturopathy relies strongly on educating the patient to better health and it has an educational role in helping health care professional explore other methods of treatment and a holistic approach.

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for all your naturopathy needs in San Diego. Dr. Wolf has the background and experience to help heal you the natural way. Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for all your naturopathy needs!

What to expect when you visit a Naturopathy Doctor

A visit to a naturopathic doctor, or N.D., will be similar to a visit to your family doctor. Your first visit may take more than an hour. During this time, a very thorough history is taken, including questions about diet, lifestyle, stress, and environmental exposures. Next, the N.D. will perform an appropriate physical examination, which may require laboratory tests. In addition to conventional tests, N.D.s may use unique laboratory techniques such as the Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA). This technique allows naturopaths to assess the digestive process as well as specific nutrient absorption, amongst other things.

Naturopathic doctors treat the whole person, which means they consider a variety of factors before they diagnose and treat an illness. Factors an N.D. might consider in making a diagnosis include your mental, emotional, and spiritual state, your diet, your family history (whether or not your parents or grandparents suffer [or suffered] from the same condition), your environment, and your lifestyle.

Some of the more common treatments used by a naturopath include:

•Nutritional counseling

•Herbal medicine

•Homeopathic medicine


•Hydrotherapy (water therapy) -- Therapies in this category include drinking natural spring water, taking baths, alternating hot and cold applications, and exercising in water, all of which are thought to stimulate and support healing and strengthen the immune system.

•Physical Medicine -- This natural approach to healing involves using touch, hot and cold compresses, electric currents, and sound waves to manipulate the muscles, bones, and spine.

•Detoxification -- This therapy removes toxins from the body by using techniques such as fasting, enemas, and drinking water in large amounts.

•Spirituality -- Personal spiritual development is encouraged as an important part of an overall health program.

•Lifestyle and Psychological Counseling -- An N.D. may use hypnosis, guided imagery, or other counseling methods as part of a treatment plan.

Naturopaths consider patients to be participants in their health care, so you may be asked to make lifestyle changes (such as chaning your sleeping, eating, and exercise habits).

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for nautropathy medicine in San Diego! Dr. Wolf has the background and experience to make your doctor visit the best experience you have ever had. Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for all your naturopathy needs!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ginseng and Diabetes

Several studies involving human participants have found that ginseng may lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

For example, in a study published in 2000, researchers gave capsules of North American ginseng to people with diabetes who were also receiving conventional treatment in the form of diet or prescription drugs.

In their analysis, the researchers found that subjects receiving a 3 gram dose of ginseng had a blood sugar level that was 59.1% less than subjects who had received the placebo.

More research is needed, however, because the long-term effects of ginseng aren't known. Also, it's not known how ginseng interacts with prescription diabetes medication.

People with diabetes should not take ginseng instead of standard treatment and should not combine ginseng with their prescription drugs unless supervised by a health care professional

Vitalia Natural Mediine is your #1 source for information regarding ginseng and diabetes in San Diego! Dr. Wolf has the background and experience to make sure that your diabetes can be treated naturally! Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for all your naturopathy needs!

The Basics of Detox

Detox, short for detoxification, is the body's natural, ongoing process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Toxins are transformed chemically to less harmful compounds and excreted via stools or urine.

Sources of toxins include those produced in the body during normal functions, such as the ammonia produced during the breakdown of protein, and chemicals such as pesticides, household cleaners, food additives, drugs, pollution, cigarette smoke, and heavy metals like lead that enter the body when we ingest or inhale them.

Although detox is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to diets, herbs, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for optimum health

There are many different types of detox diets. Generally, a detox diet is a short-term diet that:

•Minimizes the amount of chemicals ingested (for example, by the use of organic food).

•Emphasizes foods that provide the vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification.

•Contains foods, such as high fiber foods and water, that draw out and eliminate toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.

A growing body of research suggests that many of the chemicals we ingest daily through food, water, and air can become deposited in fat cells in our bodies. A diet that lacks certain nutrients may also impair our natural ability to detoxify chemicals, which further leads to their build-up in the body.

The cumulative load, called the "body burden", is thought to lead to illness and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. Signs are thought to include indigestion, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin, and muscle pain.

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for learning how to cleanse your body naturally. Dr. Wolf has the background and experience to make sure your body can enjoy the benefits of going natural. Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for your next detoxification.

What to do for High Cholesterol

In some people, cholesterol levels in blood become too high. This is called high cholesterol or hyperlipidemia. High levels of LDL cholesterol (so-called "bad" cholesterol) are considered a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. LDL cholesterol is thought to irritate the lining of blood vessels, stimulating atherosclerosis, commonly known as hardening of the arteries. Although lowering LDL cholesterol and raising levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) has traditionally been the focus, factors related to free radical damage are drawing increased attention.

A few tips on using natural products to lower cholesterol:

Talk with your doctor before starting any natural method to lower cholesterol. Make your doctor knows what supplements you are taking. Fill out the supplement diary to bring to your next appointment. Don't discontinue any medication to lower cholesterol. Speak with your doctor if you have questions about your medication.

Vitamin B3, also called niacin, is used to lower cholesterol. Specifically, it appears to lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol. Well-designed studies have found that niacin lowers LDL cholesterol by approximately 10%, lowers triglycerides by 25%, and raises "good" HDL cholesterol by 15% to 30%. Niacin also appears to significantly lower levels for another risk factor for atherosclerosis, lipoprotein A. Niacin is available in prescription form and as a dietary supplement. The American Heart Association cautions patients to only use the prescription form of niacin.

There is some research suggesting that artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymnus) may help to lower cholesterol. Artichoke leaf extract may work by limiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. Artichokes also contain a compound called cynarin, believed to increase bile production in the liver and speed the flow of bile from the gallbladder, both of which may increase cholesterol excretion.

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for using natural medicine to lower your cholesterol! Dr. Wolf has the background and Experience to make sure that you receive total quality care using only natural ingredients. Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine to discover new natural homeopathy!

Vitamin A and Carotenoids

Vitamin A is a family of fat-soluble vitamins. Retinol is one of the most active, or usable, forms of vitamin A, and is found in animal foods such as liver and eggs. It can be converted to retinal and retinoic acid, other active forms of the vitamin A family. Some plant foods contain orange pigments called provitamin A carotenoids that the liver can convert to retinol. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A carotenoid found in many foods. Lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also carotenoids commonly found in food, but your body cannot convert them to vitamin A.

Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division and cell differentiation, which is the process by which a cell decides what it is going to become. It also maintains the surface linings of your eye and your respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts. When those linings break down, bacteria can enter your body and cause infection. Vitamin A also helps your body regulate its immune system. The immune system helps prevent or fight off infections by making white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A may help lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections, function more effectively. Vitamin A also may help prevent bacteria and viruses from entering your body by maintaining the integrity of skin and mucous membranes

Whole eggs, whole milk, and liver are among the few foods that naturally contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is present in the fat portion of whole milk, so it is not found in fat-free milk. Most fat-free milk and dried nonfat milk solids sold in the US are fortified with vitamin A. There are many other fortified foods such as breakfast cereals that also provide vitamin A. The tables of selected food sources of vitamin A suggest animal sources of vitamin A and plant sources of provitamin A carotenoids.

It is important for you to regularly eat foods that provide vitamin A or beta-carotene even though your body can store vitamin A in the liver. Stored vitamin A will help meet your needs when intake of provitamin A carotenoids or vitamin A is low.

Vitalia Natural Medicine is your #1 source for clinical nutrition and vitamin A and Carotenoids! Dr. Wolf has the background and experience to find natural solutions for modern health issues! Choose Vitalia Natural Medicine for your next homeopathy needs!